Four stories about heroes in one book. A truly heroic collection! The cunning Nightingale the Robber has kidnapped Ilya Muromets' beloved horse, Burushka! And he even took the princely treasury with him. To return his loyal friend, Ilya follows his... trail, accompanied by the prince of Kiev and the chronicler Alyonushka. What awaits them in foreign lands? Strongly defending his native land is Dobrynya Nikitich. But he has to protect Mother Russia not only from the Saracens. The crafty merchant Kolivan wants to take the beautiful princess Zabava Putiatishna, the prince's niece, as his wife, and devises a cunning plan. He did not account for the fact that Dobrynya would interfere... Young Alyosha Popovich has great heroic strength already. He plans to capture the Saracens who demand tribute from his hometown of Rostov and become famous all over Russia. But misfortune befalls him: enemies steal the gold of Rostov. Then Alyosha vows not to return home until he gets it back. The three heroes and their friends have no time to be bored, even in peacetime! Near Kiev, Gorynych unexpectedly finds a little dinosaur. And then Alyosha, along with the prince and the horse Yuly, falls underground... How will Ilya and Dobrynya bring their companions home? And who - or what - is the mysterious Navel of the Earth?
Author: Ирина Позина, Елена Саломатина
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Три богатыря. Книги по фильмам
Age restrictions: 3+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785042103285
Number of pages: 184
Size: 249x204x15 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 550 g
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