Foreign poetry

Bright Path
£ 7.09
In stock
Bright Path
Касым Аманжолов
Curved, Deaf, Winding Paths…
£ 6.79
In stock
Curved, Deaf, Winding Paths…
Акико Ёсано
Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello
£ 15.89
In stock
Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Othello
Уильям Шекспир
Romeo and Juliet. Sonnets
£ 8.69
In stock
Romeo and Juliet. Sonnets
Уильям Шекспир
I Received Happiness as a Gift
£ 5.99
In stock
I Received Happiness as a Gift
Эмили Дикинсон
Faust. The Divine Comedy. Major Monuments of Poetic Culture (set of 2 books with half-super)
£ 17.09
In stock
Faust. The Divine Comedy. Major Monuments of Poetic Culture (set of 2 books with half-super)
Иоганн Вольфганг фон Гёте, Данте Алигьери
Mountain Cabin
£ 4.89
In stock
Mountain Cabin
£ 14.29
In stock
Моника Баренго, Алис Бриер-Аке
Experience of Man
£ 6.39
In stock
Experience of Man
Александр Поуп
£ 6.29
In stock
Рабиндранат Тагор
Is it really that same Tatiana?
£ 18.29
In stock
Is it really that same Tatiana?
Клементина Бове
The Divine Comedy
£ 42.29
In stock
The Divine Comedy
Данте Алигьери
Life is a Dream
£ 16.99
In stock
Life is a Dream
Педро Кальдерон де ла Барка
Parisian Spleen. Poems in Prose
£ 16.29
In stock
Parisian Spleen. Poems in Prose
Шарль Бодлер
Snail on the Slope of Fuji
£ 4.89
In stock
Snail on the Slope of Fuji
Исса Кобаяси
Snail on the Slope of Fuji
£ 6.29
In stock
Snail on the Slope of Fuji
Исса Кобаяси
£ 7.29
In stock
Омар Хайям
The Odyssey
£ 10.09
In stock
The Odyssey
In the Minefield, Gardens Bloomed. Diary of Inspiration
£ 8.49
In stock
£ 27.59
In stock
Омар Хайям
Romeo and Juliet
£ 7.99
In stock
Romeo and Juliet
Уильям Шекспир
Divine Comedy. Hell
£ 3.29
In stock
Divine Comedy. Hell
Данте Алигьери
While the soul loves...
£ 9.09
In stock
While the soul loves...
Гай Катулл
The Breed of the Vulnerable
£ 6.69
In stock
Mushrooms from Yuggoth
£ 30.79
In stock
Mushrooms from Yuggoth
Говард Лавкрафт
Shakespeare. Selected Sonnets with Illustrations
£ 8.59
In stock
If you don't tell anyone, I won't either
£ 11.99
In stock
Collection of Old and New Songs of Japan
£ 11.29
In stock