Across the sun-drenched deserts and shadowy forests of the continent of Salsaroa, Father Olivier travels in the company of the dark elf Sudzu, the seer Syadzan, and the young sorceress Ori, who conceals not only her intentions but also her... true nature. What compelled this god-fearing priest to leave his brethren in the order and embark on a journey full of hardships and dangers? Why does he risk his life every day, fighting demons, monsters, vampires, and other foul creatures? For at the end of the path lies not a generous reward, but an encounter with the most terrible being in the world - a beast named G...
Author: Юн Кога
Printhouse: Fabrika komiksov
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2015
ISBN: 9785752528095
Number of pages: 200
Size: 180x126x12 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 200 g
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