We present to you the fourth book by Mikhail Davydov, An Mo Qin Fa. Animal Massage. Massage is a healing method known for over 5000 years. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is called An Mo and involves the use of... various techniques and methods, both with tools (sticks, rods, scrapers) and direct hand contact. Eastern massage is one of the oldest healing methods that originated in ancient Egypt, India, and China. The ancient origins of the treatment and prevention of animals are evidenced by written sources from the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, China, and Persia. In these countries, due to the deification of animals and the belief in reincarnation, veterinary medicine held a very honorable place, and priests engaged in the treatment of animals. In Egypt, where human treatment was divided into many branches, there were also specialists for the treatment of each specific species of animals. In India, all veterinarians belonged to the higher medical caste - Vaidya, which also included doctors who treated humans. In China and Persia, the same specialists treated both people and domestic animals. Ancient Greek authors, Hippocrates and Aristotle, already mentioned the beginnings of comparative medicine, indicating similarities between human and animal diseases. Health in the East is the path to deep relaxation, which included a variety of techniques such as massage, acupuncture, water treatments, and much more - all contributing to the harmonization of the soul and body. Ancient doctors believed that it was not necessary to treat only a separate part of the body, but rather to purposefully influence the entire organism, increasing its overall energy potential. The natural, uninterrupted circulation of Qi energy throughout the body is the best way to maintain health; this is the main principle of Eastern folk medicine. Ancient Eastern veterinary medicine includes the following medical directions formed by the combination of five disciplines: massage, acupuncture, dietology, Qigong (influence on the biofield), and pharmacology. In countries neighboring China (India, Persia, Tibet, etc.), largely similar methods, techniques, and ways of comprehensive restoration of animals were applied. Thus, the ancient science of healing and veterinary medicine in South and Southeast Asia was an advanced division of medicine, proving the feasibility of using comprehensive methods for treating diseases. The information presented in the book on nine massage techniques represents a distinct direction of Eastern medicine, combining various forms of influence using hands and objects.
Author: Михаил Давыдов
Printhouse: Magic-Kniga
Series: Древние тайны китайской медицины и цигун
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785604726167
Number of pages: 344
Size: 216х153х20 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 460 g
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