Magnetic game and children's encyclopedia in a playful form! "Umnitsa®. Flags and coats of arms" is a set of educational activities that will introduce your child to the national symbols of 30 largest countries in the world. The flags and...
coats of arms of each are unique, helping to better understand the history of the country and the culture of its people. This magnetic game for toddlers will assist you in exploring the surrounding world together with your child. The activities and games presented in the set will ensure high thinking speed, the ability to analyze information, and excellent memory. Your child will have a broad outlook, not only learning the flags and coats of arms of 30 states but also being able to match the symbols with their countries, familiarize with the history of their origin, and learn to logically structure by shape/color/image, etc.How to engage?Step 1: Familiarize with flags and coats of arms. The set includes 30 cards with flags and 30 cards with coats of arms. You can first introduce the child to the flags. The images of the coats of arms contain many small elements and details. They are better studied after the child knows all the flags. With older children, flags and coats of arms can be introduced simultaneously. Tell your child that there are six continents on our planet, each containing countries. Take the magnetic flags of countries from a specific continent. Show the child the cards, naming the country.Step 2: Examine the image of the flag and the coat of arms. Activities at this stage can be carried out according to ready-made dialogue scenarios. Open the book to the page with the country you need and discuss the flag/coat of arms with your child: ask questions, examine the flag/coat of arms, find interesting elements in them. After that, play with the cards.Step 3: Study the symbolism of the flag and coat of arms. Remind the child that all elements of the flag and coat of arms are not random: colors, details, stripes, and their arrangement have a specific meaning, reflecting significant events in the life of the country. Learning at this stage also takes place according to ready-made dialogue scenarios. Start the session with the child's favorite flag. Open the book to the required page and discuss with the child the meanings of colors and symbols on the flag/coat of arms. Then play with the cards. On their reverse sides, you will find all the necessary information.Contents of the set:30 magnetic flags;
30 cards with flags: on the front side of the card - an image of the flag and the name of the country. On the reverse side - historical reference: description, history of origin, meanings of colors;
30 cards with coats of arms: on the front side of the card - an image of the coat of arms and the name of the country. On the reverse side - historical reference: description, history of origin, meanings of symbols.
Guide for parents "Flags and coats of arms": recommendations for conducting and organizing activities, as well as 30 ready-made dialogue scenarios.
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