What is the book "How to Survive in Elementary School" about? Every parent wants their child to go to school with joy and to be successful. Unfortunately, school, even elementary, is a place that is often not too "equipped" for joy,... and even a small child can face serious problems there, which can distress their parents. Fortunately, most of these problems are related to misunderstandings between the child, parents, teachers, and school administration, which means that they can generally be resolved with goodwill. This book will help understand whether the child is ready for school, choose a school that is suitable for your child, indicate what to pay attention to first; what to dedicate the last summer before school to; how to help the child successfully adapt; how to monitor the child's education; how to effectively solve problems that arise in school; how to build relationships with the parent committee and teachers; what children should learn in elementary school. The book is addressed to parents, grandparents, and everyone whose professional and personal interests are related to raising children. A unique guide for caring and loving parents! The child is going to school… This is not just an exciting event for the family - it is a very important and responsible step in the life of a little person and their loved ones. Teaching the child the main thing - to learn, to maintain mental and physical health, to lay the foundations for a successful future will be helped by the advice and recommendations of a professional. Years of experience working, communicating with children, educators, and parents have helped gather truly invaluable material about everything that is important for every adult and future first-graders to know and understand:tests of "expectations" - what parents expect from school and from their child;- how to properly choose a school, what to pay attention to first;- how to spend the last summer before school best;- how to help the child successfully adapt to school;- how to monitor the child's education;- how to effectively solve problems that arise in school;- how to build relationships with the parent committee and teachers;- what children should learn in elementary school.
Author: Елена Первушина
Printhouse: Gorodets
Series: Союз охраны психического здоровья
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785907085367
Number of pages: 256
Size: 221х147 mm
Weight: 418 g
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