The manual is purely practical in nature (it is based on the experience of working on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia with children aged 6-9 years) and consists of graphic, phonemic, and lexico-grammatical exercises for distinguishing sounds G —... K by ear and in pronunciation, and letters G — K in writing. The manual aims to address the following tasks: developing phonemic perception, quantitative and qualitative enrichment of vocabulary, reinforcing various methods of inflection and word formation, and practical acquisition of spelling words with paired consonants G — K. It is primarily intended for individual work with a child or a small group of children (2-3 people) and can be used by both educators (speech therapists, teachers, tutors) and parents.
Author: Светлана Коноваленко, Вилена Коноваленко
Printhouse: GNOM
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785907917033
Number of pages: 32
Size: 236х168х2 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 60 g
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