“Little Women” is a classic novel, first published in 1868, and since then has undergone countless reprints and adaptations. An incredibly cozy family story, in which many generations of girls have found what they needed: strength, calmness, patience, diligence, and... belief in the best, — in a contemporary design from the “Trendbooks” edition. “Love, respect, and trust were the sweetest reward for my efforts to be the kind of woman I wanted my daughters to see.” “Little Women” is a sincere and touching novel about the childhood and youth of four sisters. They cope with difficulties together, experience sorrows and joys, dream of the future, and go through the difficult path of growing up, first love, and first grief. Each chapter is a short tale, a mini-story, in which the March girls face some problem, and at the end of each story, they receive guidance from their mother. The relationships between the sisters are conveyed with sweet humor, the girls are so different and real, their shared passion for various types of creativity brings joy and fills the novel with an extraordinarily warm atmosphere of childhood. The book speaks of eternal virtues, so it is worth listening to it even today: love your neighbor, share, eradicate selfishness, pride, and laziness from yourself.
Author: Луиза Мэй Олкотт
Printhouse: Clever
Series: Классика вне времени. Young Adult
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785002119707
Number of pages: 416
Size: 210х130х27 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 425 g
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