Dreaming of a stylish design for your home, proper ergonomics, and space organization doesn't require studying a million resources online or taking special courses. This book gathers only the important and necessary basic information that will serve as a handy... cheat sheet for anyone who wants to create a design project independently. It presents all the stages of project execution with clear step-by-step recommendations, as well as tips on planning, zoning, descriptions of popular styles, and useful checklists that simplify project creation. The second part describes the renovation process for understanding the sequence of actions and the ability to assess the current stage and the scope of work. You will also find recommendations on budgeting to keep the renovation under your control and prevent it from becoming an endless process.
Author: Екатерина Юша
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Подарочные издания. Интерьер и благоустройство дома
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042088810
Number of pages: 160
Size: 218x170x16 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 422 g
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