Are you tired of routine, low salaries, and lack of prospects? Dreaming of freedom, financial independence, and the ability to travel the world? Then network marketing is what you need! But don't rush to plunge headlong into it! Many newcomers,...
falling for the illusion of easy success, quickly become disillusioned and leave the business without achieving the desired results.
In his book "Become an MLM Leader," Vladimir Gorbachev, an experienced networker who has gone from a novice distributor to a professional, shares the secrets of true success in network marketing (NM).
In the book, you will find seven models for developing an MLM business, from the standard situation to turbo mode, and you will be able to choose the model that best fits your goals and possibilities. Get a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of various recruiting methods, including individual meetings, home circles, and targeted advertising. Learn how to build a strong and motivated team capable of generating stable income, and understand how to inspire your partners to achieve high results.
Author: Владимир Горбачев
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785206003635
Number of pages: 352
Size: 220х140х24 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 522 g
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