Find and Show. The World of Transport
Find and Show. The World of Transport
Find and Show. The World of Transport
Find and Show. The World of Transport
Find and Show. The World of Transport

Find and Show. The World of Transport


The educational wimmelbook "Find and Show. The World of Transport," published in the "Transport for Toddlers" series by the "Omega" publishing house, will help toddlers expand their vocabulary and master the important skill of storytelling through pictures in a playful...

Author: Сюзанна Гернхойзер

Printhouse: Omega

Series: Найди и покажи

Age restrictions: 0+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785465047180

Number of pages: 22

Size: 220х196х17 mm

Cover type: cardboard

Weight: 479 g

ID: 1681382
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