We apply the ideas of the ancient Greek philosopher Sextus Empiricus in our lives. We cope with confusion and anxiety caused by the contradictions of reality. We learn to make decisions based on our own perception of reality. We form a pragmatic and...
constructive way of life that brings tranquility and peace. How to maintain equanimity of spirit in an age of anxiety? How to survive in a turbulent information flow? Finally, how to stop worrying and start living? The philosophy of skepticism offers a way out. One of the founders of this school, the ancient Greek physician and philosopher Sextus Empiricus, taught his followers to question the nature of things, seeing this as a reliable means of combating anxiety and confusion. In her book, philosopher Maria Lorenza Chiezara reveals the main principles of skepticism in relation to our everyday lives. She shows how skepticism can help us learn to critically evaluate information and avoid dogmatic judgments, thereby maintaining inner calm and peace.
"Noting that different people can consider the same things not only different from each other but even opposite, and argue their opinions with equal persuasiveness, Sextus in his works recommends constantly paying attention to any opinions and theories — both our own and others' — claiming to express reality regardless of the ways it is perceived."
"The philosophy of Sextus is primarily a practice that helps to accept the complexity and contradictions of the world without succumbing to anxiety."
"The events of recent years have vividly demonstrated that especially in times of serious difficulties, the temptation to listen to those who present themselves as discoverers of new truths, cures, and miraculous means can be particularly strong."
"As a physician, he first thought about how considering various manifestations of things and refraining from judgments about their true nature can free us from the anxiety caused by their multiple and contradictory nature. Furthermore, Sextus believed that such an attitude would allow us not only to productively question and safely engage in dialogue with others but also to exist peacefully in the world, coping with its complexity and inconsistency."
Author: Мария Лоренца Кьезара
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785961494938
Number of pages: 144
Size: 206x130x15 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 272 g
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