Centuries pass, but the plays of the great English playwright William Shakespeare continue to attract the attention of readers and viewers. The secret of the immortality of his works lies not only in the imagery of the language and the...
vividness of the characters. The core of Shakespeare's plays is strong human feelings and passions. Driven by love, a thirst for revenge, vanity, or envy, Shakespeare's heroes do not leave us indifferent because all these feelings and passions are eternal. Another main theme is the source of any passion and any vice - willfulness and an irresistible need to "take what is yours." The grim motto "to each his own" is inscribed above the entrance to the hell of great and small, but always deadly passions created by Shakespeare.
"King Lear" and "The Tempest" belong to the later period of William Shakespeare's work; in both plays, the main character is an aging ruler, and the theme is the parting with power. The tragedy "King Lear" is often called the greatest of all Shakespeare's creations. Blok wrote: "The tragedies Romeo, Othello, even Macbeth and Hamlet may seem childish next to this. Here, in the simplest and most understandable language, the most secret is talked about, which is terrifying to even discuss...".
Among the most successful and popular plays of Shakespeare on stage is also "The Tempest"; its genre is usually defined as a romantic fairy tale, although, in fact, it is a tragicomedy. This is Shakespeare's last play written without co-authors, his farewell to the theater.
"Macbeth" is also about power, although it did not last long. Three mysterious prophecies come true, and Macbeth seizes the throne of Scotland... This is one of the darkest and most brutal tragedies of Shakespeare.
Author: Уильям Шекспир
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Яркие страницы
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041995911
Number of pages: 416
Size: 209x135x26 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 420 g
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