Protopriest Alexander Men - an outstanding figure of the Russian Orthodox Church, preacher, theologian, educator, author of dozens of books on the history of religion, the fundamentals of Christian doctrine, and Orthodox worship. "Son of Man" is Alexander Men’s most... famous book, written in 1966 and dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. For the first time, it was published in full in 1968 in Brussels, and in the author's homeland it was circulated in samizdat until the early 1990s. For his missionary activities, Alexander Men, popular among the intellectual elite, was repeatedly persecuted by the KGB. In this book, he sought to introduce readers of the 20th century to the gospel story in an accessible language, as well as to recount the rich tradition of its study. The book "The Origins of Religion" (1970) opens the author’s series "In Search of the Way, the Truth, and Life," dedicated to the prehistory of Christianity and the quest for God. Written by a Christian, it is nevertheless aimed at the broadest readership interested in an impartial attitude towards religious tradition. Extensive knowledge, accessibility of presentation, and a trusting conversation with the reader—these are the qualities that allow Alexander Men’s work to remain relevant even today.
Author: Александр Мень
Printhouse: Azbuka
Series: Non-Fiction. Большие книги
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785389258990
Number of pages: 736
Size: 140х210 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 830 g
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