Alina Mezhenaya is an English language teacher with 10 years of experience working in a school.
The publication is a workbook for teaching children to read in English. The guide consists of 14 lessons with various assignments and is complemented by...
appendices containing the necessary materials for educational games. With the help of this guide, students memorize the peculiarities of pronunciation of letters and combinations of letters. The tasks allow students to consolidate their knowledge in practice and also train mental activity. Thanks to bright illustrations, the child does not get bored during classes and learns to read in English with pleasure.
The publication is in a convenient format. The guide is intended for classes with children who are beginning to learn English, aimed at preschool and early school age.
How to instill a love for the English language in children in a light and playful way? This is a question many parents ask!
The workbook with bright illustrations, tasks, and fun games, as well as informative stories and facts about England, is perfect for home study and for lessons in school. All paragraphs are conveniently divided by topics and levels of difficulty. Motivation to learn English from the very first pages!
Author: Алина Меженная
Printhouse: AST
Series: Учусь с удовольствием
Age restrictions: 0+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785171496722
Number of pages: 96
Size: 234x161x5 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 147 g
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