The series "Palmyra - Riddles and Puzzles" is an excellent intellectual simulator for the brain: original, effective, not boring. Test your abilities by solving puzzles, revealing secrets, and solving entertaining problems. Take an educational and enjoyable “jog” through all areas... of knowledge - from history, geography, mathematics to criminology, electronics, literature. Yakov Perelman, one of the founders of the genre of popular science literature, had a unique ability to talk about the most complex subjects and phenomena in an accessible and exciting way. Perelman's books have always been extremely popular. We present to your attention a collection of problems compiled by him: here are collected mathematical puzzles, questions from the field of physics, logic, social studies, games with objects, tricks and visual illusions, by solving which you will learn to find non-standard solutions, develop observation and spatial imagination. This collection will be of interest to both novice mathematicians taking their first steps in this wonderful science, and adult readers.
Author: Яков Перельман
Printhouse: Ripol-klassik
Series: Пальмира - Задачи и Головоломки
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785517086846
Number of pages: 240
Size: 215х155х13 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 350 g
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