Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2
Sweet bite marks. Volume 2

Sweet bite marks. Volume 2

Du Xiaoshen became the blood servant of Prince Luo Yi, and now she is forbidden to leave the walls of the academy. Suddenly she learns that her brother’s health has deteriorated. The girl steals the family crest from Luo Yi...

Author: Ruis, Yikai

Printhouse: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber

Series: Сладкие следы укусов

Age restrictions: 16+

Year of publication: 2024

ISBN: 9785002145904

Number of pages: 303

Size: 0.20x150x216 mm

Cover type: Твердая

Weight: 660 g

ID: 1673783
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