The tutorial is intended for independent mastery of the material and can be useful to all those who have already started or are planning to start learning the Chinese language. Includes three chapters. The first chapter contains questions of basic... grammar of the Chinese language with an explanation of the general rules of grammar and exceptions to them; diagrams and formulas for the location of sentence members in a Chinese sentence are used for clarity. The second chapter presents the author's method of grammatical analysis of Chinese sentences based on a basic table of elements of a typical Chinese sentence, one hundred examples of translation of Chinese sentences with explanations. The third chapter, based on the same basic table, shows an algorithm for grammatical parsing of a Russian sentence for subsequent translation into Chinese, one hundred examples of translating Russian sentences with explanations. There are tasks for independent translation work. The material is presented in a simple and understandable form.
Author: Семенов Виктор, Семенова Ольга
Printhouse: VKN
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785787319033
Number of pages: 360
Size: 197x255 mm
Cover type: Мягкая
Weight: 620 g
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