The growth of macroeconomic indicators, improvement of the population's quality of life, and the investment attractiveness of the state largely depend on the achievements of companies. Companies, in turn, must take into account current political and legislative trends for the...
successful implementation of their projects. In this sense, mutually beneficial partnerships between the state and business are the foundation of economic development and a favorable social climate in the country. One of the tools for building a dialogue with the authorities is the institution of lobbying. The book offers a practical perspective on the use of lobbying technologies in the decision-making process of the state. The authors discuss how lobbying affects democratic processes in society, the difference between lobbying and Government Relations (GR), how the institution of lobbying is organized in different countries, what tools lobbyists use, why corruption harms lobbying, how government bodies operate, and how to turn private interests into state tasks.
The book is intended for practicing lobbyists, specialists in the field of GR and PR, political scientists and lawyers, university students studying such fields as jurisprudence, political science, public policy and social sciences, international relations, economics, and management. In addition, it may be useful for business representatives (company owners, CEOs), as well as anyone interested in political and business processes, issues of public administration, legislation, and the interaction of private and public structures.
Printhouse: Al'pina Pablisher
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785206000573
Number of pages: 340
Size: 242x170x23 mm
Cover type: Твердый переплет
Weight: 674 g
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