Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates
Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates
Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates
Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates
Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates

Mosaic for kids from a tree, 12 pictures-templates

Bright multi-colored Mosaic for children made of wood from the "Baby You" series TM Bondibon is a play set made of a wooden panel with a stand, bright pictures-plots and multi-colored chips-balls. To create a picture, select a subject, align...

Printhouse: Bondibon

Age restrictions: 3+

ISBN: 4895136050342

Size: 188x188x45 mm

Weight: 542 g

ID: 1666400
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£ 23.47

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