Everyone around knows better how you should live: what to do, how to react to what is happening, how to overcome difficulties, and what to consider success. Often we are unable to resist the pressure of the surrounding reality and... become prisoners of circumstances or relationships with loved ones. As a result, we not only "don't believe in ourselves," we don't even believe in what we really want. Ekaterina Khlomova, a practicing psychologist with 15 years of experience and author of the bestseller about codependent relationships "I can't live without you," shows the way out of the inner prison. She will carefully guide you from the point of "I don’t believe in myself" to the point of "I am the author of my destiny," equipping you with all the necessary tools and knowledge so that you can build your unique happiness regardless of external circumstances.
Author: Екатерина Хломова
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Психолог Екатерина Хломова. Как построить счастливые отношения с собой и с миром
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785041882815
Number of pages: 480
Size: 220x145x26 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 576 g
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