The life of the Prophet Muhammad is a pure source that quenches the thirst for knowledge of God; it is the key to understanding the Holy Quran and a perfect example, in direct following of which lies the secret of... harmony and happiness for all and each. The mission of the Messenger was clearly and vividly expressed in his judgments and actions; his image was impeccable, while remaining absolutely human and earthly. Only one who truly understands the essence of the mission of the Prophet Muhammad gains the ability to understand the essence of Islam, to feel confidence, peace, and to rise even from complete emptiness of the soul. This book presents a complete biography of the Prophet Muhammad. But this is not just a chronology of the life of the last Messenger of Almighty Allah. Great attention was paid in the work on the book to convey the spiritual component, to tell not only about the significant events from the life of the Messenger but also to reveal him as a great personality. At the core of the book is the work of the famous scholar Sheikh Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Sakka "Fikh al-Sira" - "Understanding the Biography of the Prophet", whose work is characterized by psychological truthfulness, naturalness, scientific approach, and comprehensive analysis. Carefully analyzing the life of the Prophet, Muhammad al-Ghazali periodically deviates from the realities of fourteen centuries ago to consider certain events from a new historical perspective. This approach has become a stylistic principle of narration throughout the book, where important contemporary parallels are drawn to the events of the life of the Prophet Muhammad presented in chronological order, helping the reader to connect through their experience with each story and achieve a deeper understanding of it. The materials from the sermons and works of Ildar Alyautdinov dedicated to the Prophet and his companions are also involved in achieving this goal. Connecting the times, the book unites hearts, nourishing and inspiring through the ages by the example of the best of people - the Prophet Muhammad.
Author: Ильдар Аляутдинов
Printhouse: Dilia
Series: Мир Ислама
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785423604394
Number of pages: 576
Size: 240x180x30 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 848 g
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