Who among us does not dream of superpowers: to be invisible, to breathe underwater, to overcome any obstacles - just like the heroes of popular comics? While Kuzma and Danila are seriously concerned with finding the source of superpowers, Polina...
has already found it. And it is not a spider bite or a serum with radioactive ingredients, but... the story of her own family.
The Rusans settled in Siberia more than a hundred years ago. The founder of the family, Kuzma Anisimovich, according to family legends, had the gift of healing, and his son, grandfather Semyon, was a long-liver, a keeper of the clearing and the old willow. The Rusans know how to hide and preserve treasures, run and swim fast - the main thing is not to forget to "open" the river before swimming.
Olga Kolpakova is a writer, journalist, and author of numerous books for children of different ages. She was born in the village of Ust-Pustynka in the Altai region and saw how they make dung, weave rugs on a loom, and steam pumpkins in a Russian stove.
The family portrait against the backdrop of the era, created in this book, is built on real events. Small excursions into history, conducted by Ivan Privalov, help to better understand the times in which the Soviet grandfathers lived. The book is illustrated by Svetlana Kucher. For her, this story is about the most important and real - the ability not to give up, to fight for oneself, for loved ones, not to lower one's hands, and not to lose dignity in very different times.
For middle and high school age.
Printhouse: Piat' chetvertei
Series: Вне серии
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785907362376
Number of pages: 272
Size: 268x210x22 мм mm
Cover type: Твердая бумажная
Weight: 900 g
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