In the new programmatic book "More than Religion. Ethics for the Whole World," His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama continues the theme of a strictly secular approach to ethics and the dissemination of basic universal values, implying respect for all...
religions and beliefs, including atheistic ones. These ideas were first articulated by the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism in the bestseller "Ethics for the New Millennium" and have since been tirelessly developed, as he is convinced that no one particular religion can meet the needs of all people - their inclinations are too diverse.
The Dalai Lama sees the reason for many difficulties humanity continues to face in the 21st century in the fact that humanity pays too much attention to material values, forgetting about such important qualities as compassion and patience. In the book "More than Religion. Ethics for the Whole World," the Dalai Lama gives practical guidance on how to learn to control one's mind, manage emotional states, and make moral values an integral part of one’s life not only for one’s own benefit but for society as a whole.
Printhouse: Fond Sokhranim Tibet
Series: Религия. Эзотерика. Философия
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2020
ISBN: 9785905792397
Number of pages: 224
Size: 60х90/16 mm
Cover type: Твердая бумажная
Weight: 350 g
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