A visual guide to biology for preparation for the OGE and VPR will become an indispensable assistant for middle school students. The manual will be useful if: • you need to review material for grades 5-9; • you are preparing... for tests, VPR or OGE; • you want to learn how to perform typical tasks; • you are just starting to study biology. In the book you will find: • information on cytology, botany, zoology, and anatomy; • important biological terms, educational illustrations; • answers and solutions to tasks in the format of VPR and OGE; • reference materials. With the help of visual tables, diagrams, and illustrations, it will be easier than ever for you to master complex topics. A large number of typical tasks with solutions will develop strong skills in solving them and expand your knowledge of the subject. Thanks to the guide, students will be able to effectively prepare for the VPR and OGE, teachers will organize the educational process, and parents will refresh their memory of the school course in biology.
Author: ЛАПТЕВА О.В.
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Наглядный справочник. Готовимся к ОГЭ и ВПР
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785041598723
Number of pages: 192
Size: 84x108/16 mm
Cover type: Мягкая обложка
Weight: 340 g
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