The White movement in Siberia is a vast layer of facts, personalities, events, sometimes forgotten, but closely tied to the history of Russia. Several governments operating in Siberia almost simultaneously; the role of Komuch (the Committee of Members of the... Constituent Assembly, dispersed by the Bolsheviks); a separatist movement called regionalism (Siberian region), advocating for the separation of Siberia from Russia or, at least, complete autonomy; the Czechoslovak Corps – where it came from and why it played such a significant role in Siberia; the cabinet of General Horvat, head of the Chinese Eastern Railway, who proclaimed himself Supreme Ruler of the Far East; intervention by foreign powers and their political declarations; Manchurian and Ussuri Cossacks and the affairs of the atamans of Cossack troops… And finally, the personality, rule, and tragic end of Admiral A.V. Kolchak. G.K. Gins's book answers many questions. The facts that remain outside the boundaries of history textbooks are generously scattered on the pages of his memoirs. The testimony of a person involved in the events is always of great interest, especially since the author endeavored to maintain objectivity and impartiality.
Author: Георгий Гинс
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785227108623
Number of pages: 687
Size: 215х145х35 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 796 g
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