The historical essays of the outstanding Russian scholar A.E. Presnyakov are dedicated to the autocratic rulers of the Russian land - Tsars Mikhail Fyodorovich, Alexei Mikhailovich, Alexander I, Nicholas I. Presnyakov presents an honest picture of the existing reality and... - most importantly - its creators. The author's essays are characterized by an objective analysis of the described epochs, an understanding of the true role of personality in history, its strengths and weaknesses. S.F. Platonov, A.E. Presnyakov's teacher, wrote about him as an exceptional researcher who "keenly scrutinized the phenomena of surrounding life, benevolently embraced all that he saw as the seeds of future development and strength".
Author: Александр Пресняков
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785227106711
Number of pages: 319
Size: 205x136x17 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 364 g
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