Today, the theme of Eastern epic is very popular all over the world. We want to offer you the fairy tales of the renowned Chinese author Pu Songling, which have earned immortal fame in China and, despite their three-hundred-year history,...
have long crossed the borders of the Celestial Empire and are still in demand by readers today.
The author will immerse you in the atmosphere of medieval China, revealing the amazing world of all sorts of wonders, evil spirits, shape-shifters, and transformations. Here, evil demons torment unfortunate people, while the good send happiness… Buddhist monk wizards know the secrets of this world and the mysteries of the otherworldly; they mix these worlds into a fantastic cocktail, punish vices, and condemn foolishness…
The book has been translated by the remarkable philologist and sinologist Vasily Mikhailovich Alekseev, who has also provided numerous annotations to the text.
Author: Сунлин Пу
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785227105479
Number of pages: 383
Size: 172x135x22 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 334 g
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