In your hands is the long-awaited work of the Master, which will help you become happy. Anatoly Alexandrovich set himself a difficult task — to write a book, after reading and reflecting on which the dormant femininity in each reader... will be stirred, and from the strong, warrior-likeAmazon will be born the beautiful Aphrodite: soft, gentle, and happy! Go ahead, don’t delay, read! And the blinders of inner control will fall away, the crusts of healed fears and preconceptions will begin to crumble one after another. You will feel the taste of food, air, water anew, hear the voices of people and the sounds of the city... Be happy, and the happier the parents are, the more harmonious their children will be, for they are a litmus paper that accurately reflects the amount of Happiness in the family. Feeling safe in the softness of accepting your femininity, you will be surprised that you cannot bear the thought of fighting with teeth and claws on a male field, dragging an unreasonable burden of responsibilities and pride like a horse. You will see that true Strength lies in the pliability of acceptance, in flexibility and in true meekness with dignity, in love and joy…
Author: Анатолий Некрасов
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Series: Мастер психологии
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2022
ISBN: 9785227109842
Number of pages: 288
Size: 200х125х11 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 172 g
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