This book is a natural continuation of the author's two previous works. It unveils the secrets of mental modeling for managing one's reality. Here is presented a deep, constructive, adequate, and original System of Self-Development, Self-Knowledge, and raising the vibrations... of consciousness for those who are ready to go beyond the limitations of the mind, beyond the standard social templates of life success, for those who want to remember their true self and unlock the creative Power of the Soul! Anyone interested in concrete results in the field of mental and physical health, family happiness, professional and creative realization, both in the spiritual sphere and in the material, can master a state-of-the-art multidimensional approach to life modeling, based on quantum multidimensional vibrational strategies. The text is "charged" with high-frequency vibrations and activates states of pure expanded perception, invokes the Power of the Open Heart and the creative potential of the Soul for life creation, for realizing one's Path in the new evolutionary cycle of planet Earth!
Author: Ирина Усманова
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785227107237
Number of pages: 286
Size: 210х130х20 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 176 g
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