Each modern person is presented with numerous opportunities: from acquiring new knowledge and skills to choosing a beloved occupation and advancing in any field of activity. However, not everyone takes advantage of them, and only a few achieve great heights... — the rest have enough strength just to "survive". This is despite being freed from many labor-intensive tasks that robbed our grandparents of time and health, causing them to age prematurely. Moreover, we have access to information about numerous methods of self-regulation and recovery. But why don't we apply this knowledge in practice?! The reason is simple — we lack what psychology calls resources. It is precisely in the absence of resources that lies the reason why adults, educated, competent people spend their entire lives "muddling through" in unloved jobs, failing to realize their dreams, while their creative potentials remain unfulfilled. Every person has their own reserve of energy, and it is actually quite substantial. Nature itself has endowed us with life forces sufficient to lead a long, happy, and fulfilling life. But where are all these forces? Why don’t we feel them? Irina Orda's book is an indispensable self-help tool that will open up additional sources of strength, inspire you, and help you regain your inner resources. If you have long wanted to change your life for the better but haven’t dared to take a step — the practices for working with MAC from this book will help you get unstuck. They will also be useful for those who want to cope with feelings of helplessness, "reset", and emptiness. This is a universal key to a source of energy that will return you the joy of life, show your best sides, and help you accept yourself as you are. You will learn to use universal techniques suitable for working with any MAC (metaphorical associative cards). MAC is a deck of cards, a therapeutic tool that activates the subconscious. It is here that the answers to many vital questions are stored, but to penetrate into it...
Author: Ирина Орда
Printhouse: AST
Series: Магический помощник
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785171590741
Number of pages: 160
Size: 172x120x12 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 161 g
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