Mira is the daughter of a doctor known throughout the capital. Her father indulges her, never denying her anything. On the eve of Mira's coming of age, he ordered tickets for a cruise ship to celebrate this event. However, at... the last moment, her parents have to cancel the trip and let Mira go alone. What could happen on an elite ship, where the service is top-notch and there is plenty of security! The girl is thrilled. Finally, she has escaped parental control and will enjoy adult life. And maybe she will meet the prince she has dreamt of for so long... The journey begins safely, but Mira feels anxious for some reason. And her bad feelings are soon justified…
Author: Татьяна Бочарова
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Детектив сильных страстей. Романы Т. Бочаровой. Новое оформление (обложка)
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785042151583
Number of pages: 320
Size: 166x125x23 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 171 g
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