To write correctly, it is essential to know the rules of orthography very well and to be able to apply them. For a primary school student, it is important not only to know the rule and to be able to... apply it in writing but also to accurately identify and recognize the orthographic phenomenon. The book presents short dictations on all the rules that a child encounters in 1st grade: spelling of the combinations ЖИ-ШИ, ЧА-ЩА, ЧУ-ЩУ; capitalization in proper names; checked unstressed vowels in the root of the word; paired consonants in a weak position; the soft sign – an indicator of softness; combinations ЧК, ЧН, НЧ, РЩ, ЩН, НЩ, and others. By completing the exercises in the manual, the child will learn to recognize and articulate aloud all the orthographic phenomena encountered in the texts. At the end of the book, there are answers with a complete analysis of all the dictations. The book can be used in Russian language lessons at school and for independent study at home.
Author: Ольга Узорова
Printhouse: AST
Series: 3000 примеров для начальной школы
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785171702472
Number of pages: 16
Size: 280x211x2 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 59 g
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