The popularity of Jason Statham's sayings in Russia is phenomenal! This entertains and surprises even Jason Statham himself, the actor who has a great attitude towards Russians and is completely okay with becoming a meme in the vast expanse of... the Internet in our enormous country. A brutal daredevil, saving everyone and everything, a handsome macho, a good family man, and just a guy from the neighborhood - such is the multifaceted personality of this sought-after English actor-multimillionaire. He also plays chess and football wonderfully and performs mind-blowing stunts without stunt doubles. The cherry on top is the endless colorful statements that allegedly belong to Statham. We won't dispute their authorship, the main thing is that they entertain, boost morale, sometimes teach good things, and sometimes shock…
Author: Джейсон Стэтхем
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785952461840
Number of pages: 159
Size: ㄷㅸㄳ㍸ㄳ mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 180 g
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