Magic... Invisible and mysterious... Today we will lift its veil to become wiser and understand many things. This book opens the series "Magic in Questions and Answers." Each topic touched upon will help the reader discover something hidden. The books... await you in unusual forms, with many authors: the founder of the School Ksenia Evgenyevna Menshikova, the teachers of the School, and its students. The text includes live correspondence from the forum "Magic is One": real people, genuine problems, pressing questions on the theme of ancestry and its power. "Questions of blood are the most difficult questions in the world," asserts M. A. Bulgakov through his character in the immortal work "The Master and Margarita." It is from these questions that we begin. How to accept the power of one's ancestry? What types of power streams are there? Who is the Regina of the lineage and what are her capabilities? Who is the founder of the lineage? What is an ancestral curse? How to recognize it in oneself? How is the lineage structured? How to obtain information about one's ancestry? Should we forgive deceased ancestors? What happens to women's rights after divorce? Illegitimate and unwanted children... Answers to these and many other questions await the reader on the pages of this book.
Author: Ксения Меньшикова
Printhouse: Tsentrpoligraf
Series: Магия в вопросах и ответах
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785227109002
Number of pages: 191
Size: 210х130х9 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 121 g
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