Every era has its dark and unappealing side. The Enlightenment ended with the bloody dictatorship of the Jacobins and the frenzied guillotine. Erotomania became a virtue, and famous erotomaniacs like Casanova enjoyed a pan-European fame. It was unfashionable to give... birth to children, and they were sent to orphanages where they were allowed to quietly die. Jean-Jacques Rousseau sent all of his legitimate children to an orphanage, but at the same time wrote the novel "Emile," which raises important issues of free, harmonious upbringing of a person in the Age of Reason. The shadow of the era closely follows the Enlightenment. And it is not customary to speak openly about this shadow side.
Author: Евгений Жаринов
Printhouse: AST
Series: История и культура с Евгением Жариновым
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785171231910
Number of pages: 480
Size: 218x143x34 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 586 g
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