Is it possible to write a book about growing plants that would be useful and interesting for both beginner gardeners and experienced ones? You are holding such a book in your hands. Its author is a graduate of the soil... science faculty of Moscow State University, a gardener with 40 years of experience, and the author of several books on the methods of effective growing of garden and fruit plants in a household plot. How to prepare highly fertile soil from barren clay, how to significantly reduce efforts in caring for plantings, how to grow the highest yield in the mid-latitude conditions - all of this is explained in this book in clear and detailed language by the author.
Author: Павел Траннуа
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Секреты сада и огорода с Павлом Траннуа
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785042128240
Number of pages: 288
Size: 201x125x15 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 206 g
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