Puzzle-mosaic "Pentomino". Level 4 of difficulty.
12 elements of different shapes but equal area. World and author puzzles are an effective means of developing mental and creative abilities.
The essence of the game lies in constructing various silhouettes from flat geometric shapes...
- animals, people, plants, objects of the surrounding world. The game develops shape perception, the ability to distinguish a shape from the background, the ability to isolate the main characteristics of an object, eye measurement, imagination (reproductive and creative), visual-motor coordination, thinking, visual analysis/synthesis, and the ability to work by rules.
The material of the games (plywood) allows for tracing with a pencil both separate geometric figures and the silhouettes obtained from them. This can be used to train the child's artistic skills.
Printhouse: Neskuchnye igry
Age restrictions: 3+
Year of publication: 2019
ISBN: 4620003680397
Size: 107x150x3 mm
Weight: 64 g
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