This book is for family reading, for children and adults.
What's behind the door? Behind the door is a world of fantasies and adventures, a world of goodness and loyal friendship. Behind the door are the adventures of Lucas, a boy...
with a big imagination, a dreamer, and a seeker of adventures. Because children should fantasize, dream, be curious, explore the world, learn to overcome difficulties, know how to be friends and help others.
You will also find fairy tales with a touch of sadness and joy, in which good and friendship always triumph, and poems for children, about children, created as a result of observing children's whims and habits.
Author: Тамара Шевчук
Printhouse: Chetyre
Series: Детская книжная вселенная
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785907904514
Number of pages: 132
Size: 212x152x15 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 346 g
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