If you want to read a story about a fairy in a pink dress with exquisite manners — do not open this book under any circumstances!
Our heroine is an atypical fairy. She has disobedient hair sticking out in all directions,...
quirky striped tights, and her favorite green-brown dress. And Clara doesn't always succeed in casting spells. But she has enough adventures for every day!
One day Clara accidentally cast a spell and increased in size tenfold! And wouldn't you know it, at that very moment, a young naturalist named Oscar was wandering through the woods. And a human too! Clara had never known anything about humans and their strange world. It turns out they want to build a large building on her cornflower field. How can Clara and Oscar prevent this and save the wonderful flower corner?
Author: Бритта Саббаг
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Клара Катастрофея. Очень неудачливая фея
Age restrictions: 6+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785041598587
Number of pages: 112
Size: ㄹ㍸ㄳㅸㄱ mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 183 g
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