A pupil, follower, and close friend of L. S. Vygotsky, one of the leaders of domestic psychological science, Alexey Nikolaevich Leontiev (1903-1979) emphasized: learning is not just the accumulation of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the head of a student....
It is a reorganization of the entire child's psyche, a leap in the child's spiritual life, a series of sorts of "explosions" that break the previous circle of representations and open up new perspectives for the child. Knowledge itself is less important than the place it occupies in the child's consciousness, especially - "what personal meaning it has acquired for him and how it has equipped him for life." The main task of the school is the development of a holistic personality of the child.
In the collection presented to your attention, you will find selected works by A. N. Leontiev, representing his views on key issues and problems of child pedagogy. The publication is intended for a wide range of children's and adolescent educators.
Author: Алексей Леонтьев
Printhouse: Amrita
Series: Антология гуманной педагогики
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785413027516
Number of pages: 280
Size: 200x140x15 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 245 g
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