The main reason why adults, educated, competent people spend their whole lives "wasting away" in unloved jobs, not realizing their dreams, and their creative abilities remain unfulfilled is a lack of resources. How can one access the source of life... forces? How to learn to maximize one's potential and achieve all set goals? Special techniques for working with the author's deck of metaphorical associative cards by Irina Orda will help find the answer. Metaphorical associative cards depicting various life situations will grant you access to the subconscious, help you understand your problems, find answers to important questions, and acquire inexhaustible sources of resources for happy changes in life. With the help of a detailed guide, you will learn to work with MAС and be able to use psychological techniques and practices for any other decks as well. The author's deck and the book by Irina Orda will help you find answers to these questions and eliminate the causes that drain your energy and prevent you from executing your plans. These cards are a universal tool for accessing the source of inner resources, which will return the joy of life to you, show your best sides, and help you accept yourself as you are. This compact box contains an authorial deck of 50 metaphorical associative cards and a book by practical psychologist and psychotherapist Irina Orda with a detailed description of the methodology for working with the cards, psychological techniques, and exercises. The set includes 50 colored cards and a small-format softcover book. The paper is offset.
Author: Ирина Орда
Printhouse: AST
Series: Психологические карты (Коробка с картами + руководство)
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2025
ISBN: 9785171590765
Number of pages: 256
Size: 123x84x36 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 240 g
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