The book is an encyclopedic guide to clinical psychoanalysis. It is rightly considered both a classic textbook and a classic scientific work. All types of mental disorders are examined in detail, as in no other publication, from psychoanalytic perspectives. The...
description of specific psychopathology is preceded by the presentation of the principles of psychoanalytic psychology, and considerable attention is also given to the problem of character formation and psychoanalytic therapy. The bibliography contains over 1500 sources.
The book is intended for psychologists, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists.
Author: Отто Фенихель
Printhouse: Akademicheskii proekt
Series: Библиотека интегративного психоанализа
Age restrictions: 14+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785829139995
Number of pages: 813
Size: 216х152х28 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 949 g
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