The book presented for the reader's attention is intended for specialists (psychologists, speech therapists, neurologists, cardiologists, etc.) who already have basic knowledge in neuropsychology, working in practical healthcare (diagnostics, correction, and rehabilitation) and continuing to improve their qualifications independently or...
on the "second cycle" of higher education. In international practice, such literature is a reference book, a guide to which one can turn when solving tasks that require additional knowledge.
For the first time, the authors of this edition present data on the state of various higher cognitive functions and memory separately in a comparative approach to disorders in the functioning of the blood vessels of the brain depending on the localization and laterality of the pathological process and its pathogenetic mechanisms.
A new approach to analyzing the structure of syndromes of disturbances in higher cognitive functions in the pathology of cerebral vessels is formulated for the first time.
In the Appendix, methods of the neuropsychological approach to memory assessment, explanations and/or illustrations of some provisions that are presented outside the main text are provided.
Given the interdisciplinary nature of the text aimed at specialists from various fields of knowledge, a Glossary is attached.
Author: Яна Вологдина, Наталья Корсакова, Лена Москович
Printhouse: Akademicheskii proekt
Series: Психологические технологии
Age restrictions: 14+
Year of publication: 2023
ISBN: 9785829142070
Number of pages: 247
Size: 206х135х14 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 304 g
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