Duplication is one of the most important elements of network marketing. This word refers to the copying of actions, qualities, skills, and behavior of successful people. After all, if they were able to achieve their goals, then any other person... can repeat their actions and achieve the same result. But how to achieve this? First, it is necessary to outline the steps that are within everyone's reach. Network marketing guru Randy Gage provides valuable recommendations on how to increase team performance and determine the pace of network development, the principles for managing the organization, and how to achieve the desired profit growth at lower levels, and most importantly, how to become a true leader and initiate the duplication process.
Author: Рэнди Гейдж
Printhouse: Dilia
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2013
ISBN: 9785423601089
Number of pages: 96
Size: 200х123х5 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 70 g
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