It's time to earn more! How to constantly increase your income. Regardless of how much you earn and whether you are satisfied with your income, there will always be people who earn more than you... two, ten, or even twenty... times more. How do they do it? Are they ten or twenty times smarter than you? Or maybe they work ten or twenty times harder? Bodo Schaefer assures that this is not the case! They just know how to play money games. And to win in these money games, you need to know the rules. The new book by Bodo Schaefer presents new rules for the game in the modern business world. The author does not promise that you will earn crazy money. But he guarantees: if you follow the recommendations from the book, the results will be better than if you ignore them! Life is too short to be nobody in it.
Author: Бодо Шефер
Printhouse: Popurri
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2018
ISBN: 9789851537453
Number of pages: 336
Size: 207x145x20 mm
Cover type: hard
Weight: 333 g
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