Haruki Murakami book set (of 2 books: "A Wild Sheep Chase", "Norwegian Wood").
"An old friend informed me of her death over the phone..."
This is how "A Wild Sheep Chase" begins — perhaps the strangest journey through the corners of the...
modern world and human consciousness, conceived by the legend of modern literature, Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. This novel has become an absolute worldwide bestseller: the "wild sheep chase" in our souls will never end!
So, call the police, ask for the address and phone number of the family, then call the family and find out the date and time of the funeral. And then, on the appointed day, take a suburban train from Waseda station. And hope that the chase will be successful…
Haruki Murakami is the most famous and incredibly popular Japanese writer. All of his books published in Russian have become national bestsellers, translated into many languages, and awarded numerous literary prizes around the world.
"As soon as the plane landed, instrumental music quietly flowed from the speakers. The orchestra played Norwegian Wood by The Beatles. And this melody stirred me much more than usual... I thought about the losses in my life: lost time, people who have died or left, thoughts that have disappeared."
Memories of the extraordinary girl Naoko overwhelmed Watanabe. What is true Love and how to learn to trust someone?
"— Will you really never forget me? — she asked quietly, almost in a whisper. — Never, — I replied. — I have no reason to forget you."
The novel "Norwegian Wood" brought the author truly worldwide fame. Subtle psychological nuances, music filling the pages, eroticism — all this is in the novel, from which one cannot tear oneself away. The film based on the bestseller participated in the main competition of the 67th Venice Film Festival!
So what is a sheep?
"I don't know either, — Murakami smiles after the release of "A Wild Sheep Chase." — But I'm sure this is the main reason for the book's success.
How can a peaceful coincidence from a calm ordinary life throw a person into completely foreign lands? A photograph in a promotional brochure featuring views of Hokkaido led the protagonist to a fateful decision.
"Let's find the sheep, — she said with her eyes closed. — We'll find the sheep — and many things will change for the better."
Author: Харуки Мураками
Printhouse: Eksmo
Series: Магистраль. Главный тренд
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785042081699
Number of pages: 816
Size: 200x125x45 mm
Cover type: soft
Weight: 725 g
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