A magical fairy tale with a happy ending or a tragic fantasy about love, death, and life? This story raises more questions than it provides answers. Once upon a time, there was a wizard who wandered and roamed the world,... but one day he got married, settled down, and took up housekeeping. He had already forgotten about his tumultuous youth, but still couldn't help himself. Meeting a bear in the forest, he took his magic wand and transformed it into a beautiful young man, putting a condition that he would become a bear again if kissed by a princess. What came of this prank, did the bear meet his intended? Did the wizard become just like everyone else, an ordinary mortal? And the main question — is there such a love that forgives everything, heals all? Or is love a deal?
Author: Евгений Шварц
Printhouse: AST
Series: Страшные сказки. Мировая классика
Age restrictions: 12+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171666811
Number of pages: 176
Size: 220x150x15 mm
Cover type: твердая
Weight: 271 g
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