A new edition of the bestselling relationship book in a convenient format and softcover, easy to carry! Over 30 years ago, psychologist John Gray published a book that changed the understanding of relationships — "Men Are from Mars, Women Are... from Venus." This book convincingly proved that men and women think, feel, and act differently. And it was a real sensation! By studying the book, hundreds of thousands of men and women around the world learned to understand each other, became happy, and saved their relationships. But in the 21st century, some advice has become irrelevant: the world has changed! What was a lifesaver in the last century no longer works today. But all these years, John Gray continued to work with couples, provided counseling, and closely studied the trends of the new world. Thus this book was born, which combines the findings of the original with a modern perspective on relationships. From this book, you will learn: • how men and women have changed over the past twenty years; • what actions and words provoke conflicts in the modern family; • how to properly communicate with your partner; • what healthy relationships look like; • how to maintain attraction to each other for many years; • how to find love and give it to a loved one; • and much more!
Author: Джон Грэй
Printhouse: AST
Series: Легенды популярной психологии
Age restrictions: 16+
Year of publication: 2024
ISBN: 9785171683542
Number of pages: 448
Size: 182x117x20 mm
Cover type: мягкая
Weight: 326 g
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