"Suburbia" is the second, revised edition of the game Suburbia, originally published in 2012. In the second edition, the images on the box and tokens have been changed, the tokens themselves have become noticeably larger, convenient organizers from Game Trayz... have been added, a new first player token has been introduced, and the scoring board has been increased.Welcome to our suburb! Your goal is to develop your district to attract as many residents as possible. Other participants will be settling their neighboring districts, which means your actions will influence them and vice versa!Each player starts developing their suburb with three tokens: you will already have residential areas, a park, and a factory. People love parks, so such a token immediately gives you a reputation point for a neighboring residential area. However, maintaining parks costs money, so your income decreases. No one likes factories, and all public and residential areas adjacent to such a token decrease the attractiveness of your district. However, industrial areas (including the factory) increase your income. Have you understood the principle?You will need to create and develop a balanced infrastructure that is convenient for work and living. Your turn consists of buying a district token from the real estate market and placing it in your district. Each token can provide population or coins, as well as change reputation and income level. Tokens on the real estate market can be expensive, but they can also bring significant bonuses; however, there are always inexpensive tokens available, such as small residential areas, parks, factories, and lakes.At the end of each turn, the population of your district will increase depending on your position on the reputation scale, and you will receive income based on your position on the income scale. If the most residents settle in your part of the suburb by the end of the game, you win.What will your suburb be like? Will you be able to keep it green? Or will you become an industrial center? Perhaps a cultural one? Game duration: 90 minutesNumber of players: 1 to 4
frontend.product.brand: CROWD GAMES
Series: 16166
Age restrictions: 14+
ISBN: 4627119441737
Size: 300х300х70 mm
Weight: 1500 g
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